Context. The brush…

I was reaserching artists brushes when I came across teh work of Lorna Crane. She is an Autralian artist whe creates brushes from the things she finds whilst walking. When used the brushes create a range of marks, depending on the materials she has used. I am...

encasing in encaustic.

Although Caroline had said we just need to make a final outcome, I felt the need to pull the project together both as a reflective, evaluative process, and as a cumulative one. Although I am aware I am in an endless journey I dont like unfinished business.  Looking...

Focus on..form, fragment, frame

After a very useful meeting with Susan it’s clear that I am coming to the culmination of this project. My default panic button is saying “do more, do more!” THAT is my comfort zone, work is my escape, my identity, my existence, if I’m making I...

Capturing those marks…process

Whilst I await any feedback on my Pecha Kucha and before I start the next project I wanted to spend some time in the studio exploring a couple of techniques thatI hope will enable me to create printing plates that would express the looseness of the inky drawings I...
Ruta de Arte Frigiliana

Ruta de Arte Frigiliana

It was great to be asked to take part in the second Ruta de Arte in Frigiliana, organised by the amazing artist Maribel Martin and her husband artist and musician Brendon Taylor. I had no way of checking out the venue I was allocated before hand so was delighted when...