by Sally | Sep 28, 2017 | Blog
I wanted to write about how my solo show went this summer. Putting together a solo show is an amazing experience, it pushes an artist to delve deep, to reflect and respond. It can also be a bridge between past creative practices and future ones. When I began the...
by Sally | May 29, 2017 | Blog
For the last nine years they have held an Art Walk in Cómpeta, Southern Spain. It’s a beautiful ‘Poble Blanco’ with winding streets, cats on every corner and views across to the Mediterranean. I was asked to take part this year and exhibit at the...
by Sally | Jul 18, 2016 | Blog
I have always loved small square prints….and beer, and beer mats. So it seemed natural to combine these loves…..minus the beer of course, and make collagraphy from beer mats. This is the second batch, the first ones were fine but lacked the detail I...
by Sally | Jul 14, 2016 | Blog
I gave a talk to the Norfolk Watercolour Circle last week. Having not done much ‘talk giving’ I wasn’t sure how the time would go…but true to form I went over time! A great group, and keen to learn more about all forms of art making AND some...
by Sally | Jul 8, 2016 | Blog
Its July and I’m in the UK. A lot has happened since my last entry in December.. We came over to visit family in January and didn’t go back to Spain as husband John has to have a heart operation, the two month wait went to three, four, five but now we have...