Technique: Mounting work on paper onto a panel

Technique: Mounting work on paper onto a panel

I like to work on paper, particularly for small pices, they are less ‘precious’, and paper is easier to travel with than panels. Working on paper also gives you the option of cropping down, often revealing stronger compositions. In addition I don’t...
Technique; Making your own Cold Wax medium

Technique; Making your own Cold Wax medium

When your journey into Cold Wax medium gets serious there will come a time when you want, or need to make your own. I make my own as I had the equipment already from my Encaustic painting days, it is much cheaper than the store brands and the ingredients are readily...


Hi, I published a new blog post yesterday but the title was from the previous one so you may have dismissed it! Apologies.. . You can read it here THOUGHTS ON MY NEW WORK Have a jolly day Sally
Heading South….

Heading South….

It’s that time of year again when we head South for a bit more sun..Next week we drive back to out Casa in Spain and I get work ready for the Frigiliana Art Walk. But before we go I want to reflect on this summer, it wasn’t the summer we had planned but...

Sketching and printing with a dear friend.

Having completed a three day workshop with Lewis Noble, VP and I decided we needed a refresher to establish what we have achieved and maybe more importantly to find our own ways of using his methods. Norwich is very unlike Derbyshire but we ventured off to along...