Hope you are well and staying safe. Just to let you know I am planning a series of FREE* online sessions to go out in a couple of weeks. I will be sending an email out to my mailing list, if you reading this you are signed up for my blog you may not be signed up for my mailing list? If you are not sure you can sign up here *there will be the opportunity to donate 🙂

I will be starting with and introduction to Oil and Cold Wax Painting over a series of 5/6  40 min sessions. If you think this is something you might be interested in then would be worth getting a few supplies in while Jacksons are still delivering!

Cold Wax Medium; either Gamblin, Dorlands or Zest-it (my preference is Gamblin)Oil Paints; Any make or quality will be fine. Jacksons Artist Oil Paints are fine and good value. Not too many coulours say three, make sure at least one is a transparent colour plus, Black and White (list below of some of my favourite transparent colours, YOU ONLY NEED ONE OR TWO!! ) All colours have their own individual level of transparency. If you are unsure if a tube of paint you have is transparent then there should be a symbol on the tube, or the listing on the brand webiste will state it. . This article is really helpful
Odorless spirits; Gamsol or Bob Ross Thinner NOT TURPS OR WHITE SPIRIT
Supports Gessoed boards to paint on or Oil or Mixed Media paper whic is pre treated or gesso a couple of sheets of heavy watercolour paper. NOT CANVASES

Transparent Colours; the letter refers to the brand I currently use….


Ultramarine (J)

Prussian Blue (J)

Manganese Blue (J)

Indigo (W&N, R)

Pthalo Blue (J)

Pthalo Turquiose (R)

Paynes Grey (J)


Transparent Red Oxide (R)

Alizarin Crimson (J)

Quinacridone Red

Perinine Red

Perylene Red (G)


Transparent Yellow 653 (W&N)

Transparent Oxide Yellow (R,W)

Indian Yellow (J)


Veridian (J)

Pthalo Green (J)

Green Gold (L)


Transparent Orange Oxide (R, W)

Orange Lake


Dioxazine Purple (W)

Ultramarine Violet

Cobalt Violet

Violet (W&N, J)


Transparent Brown Oxide (R, W&N)

Green Gold (W&N)

Asphaltum (R)

Raw Siena (W)

CODE. Brands….

J = Jacksons

W&N = Windsor and Newton

L = Langridge

W = Williamsburg

R = Rembrandt

G = Gamblin