Collage and Collagraphy

Collage and Collagraphy

Recently an artist wrote about finding some old prints that she had made before she abandoned printmaking for painting. She commented on how she felt restricted by printmaking, by creating editions and keeping the paper clean. I was amazed as in my world printmaking...
Creating in Spain

Creating in Spain

In my last blog post I wrote about my recent work and how it has developed over the years to a practice that encompasses the range of media I use. In this blog post I want to give you a closer look at my practice. How I collect resources, explore and consider before I...
Thoughts on my recent work

Thoughts on my recent work

In order to create we need tools and a place to create be that a sketchbook or a studio it doesn’t matter, because the tools and the place are symbols. Symbols for means and tradition. We may seek out tools to mark, cut and spread, find pigments in tubes, bottles or...
Water Based Cold Wax Medium?

Water Based Cold Wax Medium?

I love finding new media to work with, but I also love finding media that solves a problem! I often work with oil paint and Cold Wax Medium. It is a lovely way to work, the CWM speeds up the drying time of the oils considerably. The result is a lush paste that you can...


Three years ago in 2020, Elizabeth Schowachert sent me some of her hand made brushes and tools to use with oil and cold wax medium. The result was a blog post I wrote for her which has helped countless artists to see how her tools are perfect for painting with oil and...
Paper! Part 2…achieving transparency.

Paper! Part 2…achieving transparency.

My last blog post dealt with the types of paper I like to use for both monotype (gelplate printmaking) and collage. In this blog I am discussing transparency. Why? I like to use transparent and translucent papers in my collages to reveal the papers underneath.  This...