Artist in an Airbnb

Artist in an Airbnb

I find the concept of ‘holiday’ difficult. Whilst I love to travel, visit new places, enjoy different cultures the idea of sitting and relaxing is something I do not relate to. Before politics and pandemic got in the way we would spend many months a year...
Bookmark Reflections

Bookmark Reflections

Having spent much of last year printing from packaging, towards the end of last year I started searching for different types of bases, ones that are found, have a history. Exploring the palimpsest, whether that’s from reworking old paintings or using found...
Reflecting on play and intention.

Reflecting on play and intention.

Intention matters to the artist—the act of creation by nature is intentional. While art can be serendipitous, overall it is not accidental, we go into the studio with the intention to make art!  The prevailing advice given to many artists, particularly those starting...
re-collection; drawing from memory.

re-collection; drawing from memory.

Like many artists whilst my final outcomes are abstract, they are firmly based in reality; from observational drawing, tracings, photography, rubbings and gathering up of items I find on my journey. I call this approach collecting; filling my ‘creative fridge’ to use...
A critical friend

A critical friend

DEFINITION: A critical friend can be defined as a trusted person who asks provocative questions, provides data to be examined through another lens, and offers critiques of a person’s work as a friend. A critical friend takes the time to fully understand the...


In the UK things appear to be easing. People are meeting up, going out and making tentative plans. Time now seems relevant again. We have had over a year of time being a commodity that has been readily available, now we need to consider how we use it, where it goes,...