I have been had an intense investigation into creating from recycled packaging. In many ways this is a return to ideas that surface regularly within my work; the abandoned, a desire for the insignificant given status….a reoccurring theme. Lockdown highlighted the...


Is it too late to wish you Happy New Year? …we are only a third into January….. The UK is grey, damp cold and in lockdown. But everyday I count my blessings and consider myself so very lucky. I have my family, a warm apartment, a chilly studio and my work to...

Lockdown life and lasting love.

So here we are in November, the evenings are dark and the temperatures are getting low. Normally by now (what’s normal?) I would be in Spain; enjoying higher temperatures, catching up with friends and working in my studio. But its fine, I’ve enjoyed seeing...
Guest Designer for StencilGirl®

Guest Designer for StencilGirl®

I love testing products… it brings out the nerd in me, so when Mary Beth from  StencilGirl® asked me to be Guest Designer for October I didn’t hesitate! You can watch the video I made for her, and read it here or head to StencilGirl® To buy them in...
Making your mark

Making your mark

As a child, like most children I drew constantly, mostly from my imagination. My father ran a shop and I would be placed on a high stool in the corner with a pile of newsprint and crayons. My mother worked as a secretary for my uncle, an architect in Holborn. During...