Making your mark

Making your mark

As a child, like most children I drew constantly, mostly from my imagination. My father ran a shop and I would be placed on a high stool in the corner with a pile of newsprint and crayons. My mother worked as a secretary for my uncle, an architect in Holborn. During...
Pinterest as a tool for artists

Pinterest as a tool for artists

We all love looking at other peoples work and we learn so much about our own work by doing so. No-one works in a bubble, we are all influenced by what we see around us, our life experiences and the art we encounter. We can seek guidance from other artists work when we...
Your turn to help me… to help you!

Your turn to help me… to help you!

Since finishing the filming I have been thinking a lot about what’s next… for me and for you. Most of the video content will be re-organised to be self-study, skills based online courses that artists can do in their own time. But I also want to run...
My new normal

My new normal

HI!, Firstly a huge THANK YOU to all the new subscribers to my blog. I try to do one regularly but life gets in the way. Sometimes they are technical blogs or things I have found I want to share with you (like the rollers!) Sometimes they are reflective…. I took...
Rock and Roll!

Rock and Roll!

This week sadly saw the death of Little Richard, what an amazing man, I’ve been listening to the radio and jigging about! We are still in lockdown but not everything is gloomy, I have had an exciting piece of news! Last year I asked Jacksons if they could stock...
Artists Books

Artists Books

These delightful books were made by participants of my online workshop MONOTYPE MAYHEM! That ran in April 2020. Thanks for all the contributions UPDATE. Since writing this in 2020 I have created a fabulous online course to help you make not one but 20 artists books!...