Welcome to the inaugural CONCERTINA COLLABORATION online exhibition.

In 2022 I collaborated with Karen Stamper, I wrote a blog post about my experience that you can read HERE. As part of that I transformed a print into a concertina book, this book and other papers and constructions went to and fro between myself and Karen.  When I launched my book arts course Cover to Cover it was clearly a great way to encourage others to create and share. The artists belong to my Print & Paper Forum as they have taken printmaking, book art and/or collage courses with me. Each artist was paired with another in the same country. They each created a simple concertina book of folded paper that they added to before posting it to their partner. These books travelled to and fro between the artists up to 6 times. Many of the participants posted photographs of their books at each stage. What you see here are the final books. I hope you enjoy them!

Here you will find work from the 2023 artists:

Sue Downie & Linda Walsh, Wendy Haydock & Caroline Isherwood, Annette Kreiser & Pippa Palmer, Marian Hall & Carol Windram, Terry Alvare & Beatrice Cran-Baker, Daphne Dwyer & Denise Linet, Jeanne Beck & Michele Kamprath, Pamela Jeffrey & Nathalie Robert, Kate Crossley & Rosemary Everett, Rosie Coles & Caroline Soer, Bonnie Faulkner & Christine Watters, Sally Hirst & Edna Coatsworth, Anne Bullough & Lynne Butt, Jennifer Henley & Sue Firmin, Hazel Cilia & Maggie Thompson, Annette Bergman & Eva Schull

Sue Downie & Linda Walsh

United Kingdom


Sue Downie in collaboration with Linda Walsh
Linda Walsh in collaboration with Sue Downie
Wendy Haydock & Caroline Isherwood

United Kingdom


Caroline Isherwood in collaboration with Wendy Haydock
Wendy Haydock in collaboration with Caroline Isherwood
Annette Kreiser & Pippa Palmer

United Kingdom

Pippa Palmer in collaboration with Annette Kreiser
Annette Kreiser in collaboration with Pippa Palmer
Marian Hall & Carol Windram

United Kingdom


Marian Hall in collaboration with Carol Windram
Carol Windram in collaboration with Marian Hall
Terry Alvare & Beatrice Crane-Baker

United States


Terry Alvare in collaboration with Beatrice Crane-Baker
Beatrice Crane-Baker in collaboration with Terry Alvare
Daphne Dwyer & Denise Linet

United States

Denise Linet in collaboration with Daphne Dwyer
 Daphne Dwyer in collaboration with Denise Linet
Jeanne Beck & Michele Kamprath

United Kingdom

Jeanne Beck in collaboration with Michele Kamprath
Michele Kamprath in collaboration with Jeanne Beck
Pamela Jeffrey & Nathalie Robert


Pamela Jeffrey in collaboration with Nathalie Robert
Nathalie Robert in collaboration with Pamela Jeffrey
Kate Crossley & Rosemary Everett

United Kingdom

Kate Crossley in collaboration with Rosemary Everett
Rosemary Everett in collaboration with Kate Crossley
Rosemary Coles & Caroline Soer

United Kingdom


Rosemary Coles in collaboration with Caroline Soer
Caroline Soer in collaboration with Rosemary Coles
Bonnie Faulkner & Christine Watters

United States

Bonnie Faulkner in collaboration with Christine Watters
Christine Watters in collaboration with Bonnie Faulkner
Edna Coatsworth & Sally Hirst

United Kingdom


Edna Coatsworth in collaboration with Sally Hirst
Sally Hirst in collaboration with Edna Coatsworth
Anne Bullough & Lynne Butt

United Kingdom


Lynne Butt in collaboration with Anne Bullough
Jennifer Henley & Sue Firmin

United Kingdom


Jennifer Henley in collaboration with Sue Firmin
Sue Firmin in collaboration with Jennifer Henley
Hazel Cilia & Maggie Thompson

United Kingdom


Hazel Cilia in collaboration with Maggie Thompson
Annette Bergmann & Eva Schull



Annette Bergmann in collaboration with Eva Schull
Eva Schull in collaboration with Annette Bergmann
Thank you for visiting our inaugural exhibition! There will be another in 2024. It is open to anyone who is enrolled on my printmaking, book art and/or collage courses

Feel free to write in our visitors book below


PS. Many,many thanks to Milly Kirby for their hard work and help with this project.


  1. Pamela Taylor

    Wow! Such beautiful collage work! Innovation plus! Soo inspiring!

  2. Kay

    Very inspiring and exciting Creative collaborations

  3. Irene Ulrich

    What a good idea. I really enjoyed seeing all this creativity. The people working together, do they live in the same area and do the work in realtime together? Or do you start on your own a concertina book an work only every second page and then send it to your partner person?

    • Sally

      They each made a book that flew back and forth simultaneously? They ended up with the book They started with… no rules other than could be posted and not oil based media. Working in the evoke book, and over their partners..
      We paired them by country..

  4. Hazel

    So many interesting books and love the different ways they have been interpreted. I enjoyed being a part of this. It’s great to see all the books together x

  5. Annette

    This was great fun to do, and quite a lesson in not being ‘precious’ about what you do as you pass it on to another pair of hands to change it as they wish.

  6. Lynne Butt

    They all look amazing and very interesting to see the transformation from concertina book to sculpture, especially Carol and Marian’s tall one. Thank you Sally and Milly for such a professional presentation.

  7. Vera Mahieu

    What an exciting and superb collection of concertina books

  8. Donna Weinstein

    Stunning work 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 enjoyed every single one.

  9. Eva Schull

    Thank you, Sally for the wonderful idea to start this concertina swap. It was a challenge for me, because I was paired with fantastic artist. In the end we both loved our books!
    Thank you, Millie for putting together this beautiful presentation.
    Kind wishes to all participants!
    Eva Schull, Düsseldorf (Germany)

  10. Glenda C.

    Wow such lovely concertina books. I especially love the one with the black view finder pages …… incredibly creative.

  11. Rebecca

    Great! I love the partnership concept as well as the books, and have questions about many.

  12. Sondra L. Borrie

    This work is really stunning and inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing these collaborations. Totally amazing.

  13. Gill warren

    Fabulous work. Congratulations

  14. Maggie

    Such wonderful works. I’m going to have to up my game!

    • Sally

      I’m sure your game is perfect Maggie 😊😉

  15. Linda Harris

    These are so inspiring I want to take your class! Just beautiful from start to finish. Thank you so much for sharing

    • Sally


  16. Sue Firmin

    I so enjoyed taking part, especially the excitement each time it dropped through my letterbox. Some fabulous books here, I love how yours grew in different ways Sally, and the black tall construction. Looking forward to the next round of collabprations!

    • Sally

      Thanks Sue!

  17. Kate Crossley

    Loved taking part in this and look forward to hopefully doing it again next year. Do we need to sign up somewhere Sally to take part next year? Thanks Kate

    • Sally

      Head to the Print&Paper Forum There’s a section on the intro Collaboration 24 with a link to sign up. It will be earlier next year. ☺ love your book !


    The compilation and exhibition of our work is fabulous Sally you’ve managed to make us all look very talented ! Thank you for all of your hard work and your lesson in the Gel printers Summit was fabulous as all of your courses are, original and comprehensive .

    • Sally

      Thanks Carol! You ARE all very talented 😊😊


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