Whilst I always put a positive spin on making art anyone who does it will know it’s mostly an uphill climb. You spend days or weeks pushing paint around, scraping it off, rebuilding until it begins to show signs of life…and then invariably you kill it off just after the sweet spot. But we keep going as what’s the alternative…stop?


I decided way back in January that this year I was going to face my demons, explore those areas I had been avoiding, dig deeper. I retook Nicholas Wiltons CVP course in the spring and doing it a second time really helped cement his principles in my head, they sit on my shoulder while I’m working and are invaluable in helping me evaluate my progress. Going to Brisons Veor came at the end of the course and couldn’t have been better timing.

In June I made a set of prints from my investigations into mark making and geological form that really felt we’re the start of something exciting. But it wasn’t until August that I had time to go back and pick up the series where I had left off. The pressure of a deadline is always good for me and hanging all new work for Norwich Print Fair pushed me into quite a few 12 hour days in the studio; building plates, printing plates and adding more to them until I was happy with what they could give me. Having made large paintings this year I wanted to make large prints, I’m restricted to the press size but 56cm is big for me!










I don’t do editions, I prefer the freedom of experimentation and once through the collagraph stage I could play with each print, adding watercolour and more layers until I was satisfied that each one fulfilled CVP principles of design, contrast and  difference. Each one called to me, and I listened and responded.


I’m thrilled with the results and after hanging the show last weekend I’ve had emails and messages of support, and a number of sales. I had made a point of leaving the audience at the door but now I’m glad they have called by…….

I’m back in Spain in a week or so but want to carry on there with some ideas that came from this journey back into printmaking, and I want to  make some large paintings on the same theme..
