It’s that time of year again when we head South for a bit more sun..Next week we drive back to out Casa in Spain and I get work ready for the Frigiliana Art Walk.

But before we go I want to reflect on this summer, it wasn’t the summer we had planned but then that’s quite normal. We arrived back in Norwich in May just in time for Open Studios. Myself and Annette Kreiser had hired Nunns Yard in order to take part. It was a great opportunity for me to show the paintings that I had made during the winter on nice big white walls. It was great to meet old friends and new ones including artist Binah Shah who came up from London just to call by.

I sold a few small ones and it was great to catch up with friends old and new. The paintings had been shown in Spain but in a much smaller space.

Whilst walking home one day I noticed a sign for studios to let and popped in to see if any were available. The owner was in the process of converting a large space into three units and had one left. Luck was on my side and I jumped at it. My space in the church was cold and dusty…and way smaller. They had a lot to do but it would be ready by July.

I went home excited but daunted by the amount of packing I would have to do. But it was clearly the best decision I had made in a long time…I could make big work, be warm, dry and run workshops from there meaning less lugging boxes about.

Once Open Studios had finished I headed off to Derbyshire for a three day workshop with Lewis Noble. I had been looking at his work for a while and wanted to see how the workshop would help me develop. I’m still digesting his gems of advice..but I was pleased with my paintings. In retrospect it’s the small section..the selection of an area of detail and using it that I’ll move forwards with.

Back in Norwich it was all hands on deck to pack up my mountain of equipment and run my summer programme of workshops. Once I got the key to my new space it was amazing. Clean, white and HUGE.. 36sq meters and all mine!

In retrospect I should have hired a man with a van as so many trips back and forth resulted in my tearing a tendon in my shoulder and having to leave it all in boxes while John kindly put the counter in, look after me, and even help me dress.

Six weeks of physio, acupuncture and cupping have worked their magic and I’m 80% better. The studio is still a muddle but at least everything is there.

Me and VP christened it with our ‘Lewis Noble’ revisited mark-making and printing session (previous post)

I seriously wondered if I would have to drop out of Norwich Print Fair but I had a few framed pieces from Nunns Yard and I left any additional pieces until the week before. My shoulder was much improved and I was able to frame enough to put up a great show.

I have been really pleased with the response to my work at NPF again this year. I thought last year was maybe a one-off but the few pieces I didnt sell sold quickly in Spain. So this years success was a nice surprise. I had put together some small things thinking the market was a bit quiet but it’s been the larger pieces that have sold.

With the print fair running I had time to plan a series of Winter Workshops that I have put on Eventbrite. I also had time to do one last thing to the studio…..paint the floor! The builder had painted it a very dark grey which sucked the light out of the room. I have painted it ‘nimbus grey’ and it looks FAB!

It’s been an odd summer, I had planned to make more art but hadn’t planned on moving studios…or injury. I had planned to get gallery representation in the UK but only collected more rejection letters, or received no reply. But I’m not disheartened, I am selling work without their help and when I’m back in my studio in Spain I can pick up where I left off, make more art, continue with my MA and move forwards.

When I’m back in December I can put the finishing touches to the studio, get the sink plumbed in etc…then it’s off to a great start in 2020!
