Firstly a huge THANK YOU to all the new subscribers to my blog. I try to do one regularly but life gets in the way. Sometimes they are technical blogs or things I have found I want to share with you (like the rollers!) Sometimes they are reflective….
I took a week off last week after the mammoth task of creating all those videos and completing essays and work for my MA. I was more than aware that creating the videos was a diversion tactic and taking my mind of the world, and trying to do something to help. I knew there would come a point when I had to stop and find a way of dealing with this ‘New Normal’ It came as no surprise that I was in reality to take a week off..my husband laughed when I told him my plan to have a ‘holiday’ as I never take time off. Do artists take time off, is it possible? Clearly not as I spent most of the week either tidying my studio (how can one woman make such a mess?) or redesigning my website … new website coming soon. But we did go to the coast one day and sat watching the waves chatting to old friends 2mts apart.
Finally by the end of last week I stopped for a couple of days and just slept…
Now I feel refreshed and I can look back on the last 10 weeks. Its hard to believe I achieved so much and reached so many people from so many countries around the world. When I started I had no idea if anyone would want to watch, knew nothing about filming videos, and had never stood in front of a video camera. I am an experienced teacher, but I didn’t know if I could do it to this way, its a completely different experience. Little by little and at an alarming pace I learnt how to do it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I got used to watching myself without cringing and I learnt how to solve tech problems, edit the films and upload 40years of knowledge into 17 + videos.
As is the ‘Hirst way’ it got more complicated as I got more confident with the technology. The early ones were filmed straight through without stopping as I had no idea how to edit them. So they only took the 50 minutes of filming plus setting up and tidying up. In comparison the later ones took at least 5 hours to film and three hours to edit down to 50 minutes!… plus the tidying up…
But I did it! I uploaded my head! In the process I learnt a huge amount and made so many new friends from all over the world, too many countries to mention. The emails and messages I had were amazing. Many made me laugh out loud, and many reduced me to tears. Stories of people in total isolation and finding an escape through their creativity. Some people completely on their own far from home and family. My videos were helping them connect, providing company and friendship over and above the content. It was both a humbling and uplifting experience, and one for which I will be eternally grateful.
So what next? Well I need to get back on the saddle and make some work. I’ve started, stopped and started again Cheryl Taves 30 day sketchbook challenge #insightcreative30daychallenge which is currently going well, especially if I don’t share! But I’m not in a rush to make lots of new finished paintings, I feel the need to shut the door to an audience, slow the pace, reflect and recharge. I’m taking Jeff Hirsts mark making workshops (no relation but we have worked out there is probably a distant genealogical link) and I’m loving Mark Eanes colour videos and Louise Fletcher/Alice Sheridan’s ArtJuice podcasts.
I am planning a series of online workshops. Some will be self study programmes that you can complete in your own time, others will be scheduled courses with interaction from me. Some will be for beginners, others more advanced. They will be on a specialist teaching platform which has areas for group sharing and discussion away from Facebook, a space that will be more specific to each course, and a help desk for payments and access codes etc, leaving me more time to teach. This platform is also where I plan to upload all 17 videos with an access code at the end of June as a THANK YOU from me to all of you who have donated. The Facebook group Sally Hirst Workshops will still be there as a café to drop into!
I will still do a few in-person workshops but they will be longer, three or four days and more in-depth ‘master class’ type events. I’m hoping the workshops I have rescheduled for this year will still run but we will just have to see how things evolve in this ‘New Normal’
More than anything I want to look towards a time when I can hug my children and grandchildren, and ‘cash in’ all the promises of tea and cake!
Stay safe
Wow! What a powerhouse of energy Sally, well done. You have achieved so much and enriched other people’s lives, particularly necessary in this time of isolation and ‘Lockdown’.
I personally have gained so much inspiration from your online workshops. Thank you, Pam
Thanks Pam 🙂
Your generousity is deeply appreciated, Sally. By sharing so many amazing techniques, teaching us so clearly (& with great humour!), then inspiring us all to give it a go, you have helped so many get through these tough weeks, with the bonus of giving us new avenues for our creativity. Three cheers for Sally!
Thanks Stephanie! 🙂
Thank you, Sally. I have enjoyed every minute of your 17 videos and learned so much. it has been interesting to see your progression from novice to accomplished video presenter. Enjoy some down time and roll on hugs with family and friends.
Thanks Lenore! 🙂
Thank you so much Sally. You came at the right time for me when I was wanting to get back to my art. You have inspired me to get playing again and find my happy place.
Karin x
Bless you Karin 😍
Your online workshops have been such a joy. Thank you. I am at last experimenting with cold wax having tried it before and created mud! Nothing I would call finished yet but I am enjoying the process. I may be adding layers for sometime yet 🙂
Keep going!! 😁
You’ve done a really great job with all the videos etc. Ive learned such a lot from you, more in 5 minutes than in the 3 years at art school in the 70s!! And you did it all with such good humour and generosity. It’s not bad when 2 days of sleep have fired you up on all cylinders ready to go with a million other plans. Pity we can’t all siphon The Hirst way into our cars, then we’d never need petrol.
….and If make a fortune! Seriously though Heather it’s folk like yourself who have made it possible, always keen and encouraging…the perfect student xxxx
Thanks for the pointers towards Mark Eanes and Jeff Hirst. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do next and hopefully joining in. I like to be taught by experienced teachers, and there are many artists without teaching experience who are offering classes online.
Thanks Lynn! Yes, it’s like those who can cook so decide to open a restaurant😂.
I was due to take a workshop with Mark Eanes but it was cancelled …he is a top notch university professor.
I have loved your videos and feel SO inspired and the only problem is time… But I will make time and be a little more structured. Hopefully! Thank you so much again for all your generosity sharing “your head”! 😀
Thanks!! Yes time runs away. . .🤔
Thanks,Sally. The pandemic timing was perfect for you to learn the technology and for us to learn from you. I got so much from your videos. Best wishes for a full, but less hectic future.
Thanks Clare😁😍
I feel impelled to nominate you for something Sally Hirst – you are a dynamo, but I can’t find any awards for that, specifically! One of our Australian National Living Treasures on our ABC Radio here gives a [virtual] Koala stamp to his best interviewees. I think you deserve an emu stamp with wattle brooch. I’ll canvas the government awards dept ‘For services to sanity & creativity during pandemic’ … Thanks to you every time I walk past my busy work table!! cheers Cher McGrathps: Pace yourself! Love your daughter’s music too.
Thanks Cher! That was hilarious.😁😍😍😍 Knowing people like yourself are out there is award enough.x
Thank you Sally for all you have done! I agree with many others that you are such a great and enthusiastic teacher!
Hope all is well with you and stay safe!
Thanks Pat xx
Already having fun with all the products I have to check out their absorbency. Play, Play Play! Thanks for the journey.
Enjoy! Sx
Hello Sally
Thanks from me too and I echo all the positive sentiments expressed above. You are a fab teacher and inspirer!
I can’t remember how you caught my attention and led me to your classes but I was hooked and will follow your future developments.
It’s amazing the silver linings that have appeared in these clouds that surround us. Not for all of course and the world just has to be put back together again, let’s all hope for the better!
Thanks Cathy!..stay safe 😘
You were THE highlight of our lockdown. I loved the videos – you did an absolutely tremendous job with the content but also the production! They were entertaining, engaging, informative and well made. Well done and thank you EVER so much. I did recommend you to so many! 🙂
Bless you Tara! Yes the audience definitely shifted South 😂 …xx
Sally and Tara Axford: My South Australian friends were doing Tara’s course & one of them saw Tara’s reference to you, Sally. My friend watched a couple of SH videos, then recommended to me. Once I got onto your site Sally, I couldn’t stop! So thanks to Tara too. What a happy tangle. Oh, and thanks Sally for your mention of Cheryl Taves’ ’30 day sketchbook challenge’. I’m going to do that next! I’m a giant sponge!!! And what fabulous ways to use up some of my stash of handmade paper – Yay!
Thanks! I love how we all connect across the globe! I’ve been writing down all of Cheryl’s Instagram prompts as I can’t keep up! once we get to day 30 I’ll email it to you. I’m really keen to do her artists mindset course 2021 she always hits the nail on the head…xx
Thus so great to connect w/ you! I look forward to catching up to the videos. Love them so far as need to learn more techniques and jus5 explore. I am hoping to take Cheryls course too in 2021! I am giving you a new email address.
Great to see you too!! 😁😁