My artistic practice for the past four decades has followed a contimuum. Guided by the sense of a need for ‘home’ but with an inability to settle imbues my work with energy. Over the years I’ve come to regard my restlessness as a blessing, it’s the wellspring of my creativity, I now have a channel, a purpose, a ‘home’. Creating is for me a process of discovery; I learn through the act of making my work. I study the conceptual and physical worlds through exploring and painting relationships. I create on two levels,; ideas, processes, mental constructs and from direct observation of the things I encounter as I wander. Patterns of both and reveal themselves as they are reconstructed in the work. These experiences and others, are the stuff of what I make. Making the work is a process of painting, drawing, scraping, erasing, melting, redrawing, scrubbing and then doing it all over again. There is joy and despair. I ruin decent paintings and destroy others as I pursue some specific or loose intention. I don’t know what drives me to this activity; nevertheless I continue to try to understand my experience of the world by creating.