The pleasure I have had from building and sharing my knowledge is immeasurable. One day I will collate all the emails and testimonials I have had thanking me, particularly during those dark days of lockdown. Reading them in my old age will bring a warmth to my heart.
Building a community of like-minded artists who support and nurture each other has been the greatest pleasure. I love seeing what they make being shared on social media, they repay my generosity and support by acknowledging me by tagging, using hashtags, telling their friends and followers, and coming back for more.
It’s been a whirlwind, and a worldwide adventure. I now have friends all over the world, and have been invited to teach across the globe. There have been occasions where an art group have signed up to follow a course together at a group discount. The pleasure I get when they email me back saying how much they enjoy it is immeasurable. I have had friends and siblings sign up from different parts of the world, joined together on a course, sharing their work with each other, learning and creating alongside each other.
I’m happy to share my knowledge, a tutor in Australia asked if she could use some of my methods at her in-person workshop. I didn’t hesitate to agree in the knowledge that she would tell her students about me and help build this growing community of artists.
None of this has been easy, I hit the ground running three years ago and have barely taken a breath since. But I had 40 years of research and experience in my head so it was a case of ‘fortune favours the brave’. I have had to learn so much more as well; how to video, edit and publish courses. As well as everything entailed with running a business and setting up a company.
But the support of my students and followers kept me afloat, and not forgetting the support of fellow tutors online and the entire team of educators at Golden, and the support team at Ruzuku. The support of my family has been amazing too. Food is on the table, magic fairies tidy my studio and clean clothes appear on the bed.
There has been pain. I don’t sleep well and that isn’t helped when I work too late into the evening. I haven’t seen as much of my husband as I intended when I gave up full time teaching nearly 10 years ago, I haven’t made as much work for myself as I would have liked over the last three years although I did somehow manage to complete my MA!
One pain I hadn’t expected happened recently. I had received a few messages this year about a student sharing my course content on YouTube. Was I aware? Had I given permission? To be honest I brushed them aside, confident that it was a misunderstanding and to be honest I was simply too busy to be distracted by it. But the messages continued, from more people and multiplied to the extent that I had to take notice.
oWhat I discovered shocked me. There on YouTube is a channel of videos created using the methods and concepts I teach on my course. Not for money, just for attention. Correction; I have since been informed the youtube chanel is ‘monetised enabled’ . I contacted the owner of the channel and asked them to at least acknowledge me by adding my website url to the text, my tag on Instagram, and on future videos to verbally mention me by name as their source. Their reply was a surprise. They said they watch so many videos on YouTube they couldn’t possibly remember where they got the ideas from. But when they felt it was appropriate they mention me when asked.
Now this particular subject is niche, there is very little out there on YouTube, and my online course is the main one available. But I let it go, thinking that at least I had asked and that now they knew I knew they would be more careful and considerate.
A week or two went by and yet again another video appeared. Yet again no mention of me or my courses. This time I was a little firmer, reminding them of my terms and conditions. Colleagues I spoke to at Golden advised me to take action by removing them from my courses but I wanted to dig deeper, to see if I could unravel their reluctance to acknowledge my contribution, or any misunderstanding about why I would be a more than a tad cross. They said they felt it was enough just to mention me when asked in a question. I replied that whilst that was good, not everyone reads the comments on a video and the overall impression was that they had originated the content.
The reply I got quoted Picasso “great artists steal”. They went on to say “All I have done is learned stuff from various sources and used what I learned to make videos which is basically what everyone does”
Let’s unravel that one. Firstly, there is a vast difference between watching videos on YouTube, content that is in the public domain, and paying for a private online course delivered by a professional artist that has clear terms and conditions about the content being shared. Secondly, of course there is a mountain of knowledge that is passed down, artist to artist; What brushes to use for what paint, how to scratch into plastic for drypoint, how to ink and wipe a plate, what painting mediums do what. The list is endless, basic knowledge that becomes embedded over decades is hard to acknowledge and no one would expect anyone to.
But so very many of the techniques and methodologies on my courses are the result of decades of research and development in my studio. What if I use that paint there and do that? How can I print with/on that? How can I make that plate print lighter or darker? I take an almost scientific approach to my research and only when I’m confident that it works will I share it. Many of my courses are based on my college teaching; lesson plans that I developed for printmaking, composition and other concepts way before the invention of the internet. None of that is online in the public domain, these are the methods and concepts I teach on my courses, my intellectual property¹
There are countless artists who have taught me over the years, and on each course and at every opportunity I thank and acknowledge them, provide links to their websites and encourage students to take their courses. Their support has been fabulous. Many have become friends and given me permission to discuss their work as I have them.
I won’t bore you further with the back and forth of our correspondence, I am sure you get the gist. How have I left it? I haven’t removed this person from my courses. As an educator I am an advocate of a ‘growth mindset’ ² that intelligence isn’t fixed. I’m still optimistically hoping they will eventually come to understand that there is an online and academic etiquette around sources and sharing, around good manners. I haven’t mentioned them by name³ to anyone and will keep to that promise.
A few things pulled me out of the sleepless nights the pain and anxiety caused. Meeting up with friends in the mountains of Andalucia for lunch. The support of my dear friends who assured me I wasn’t being unreasonable. One of whom sent me this quote.
There are times when the behaviour of an individual says a lot about their personality, as well as inner struggles. I would like to take this opportunity to be kind enough to accept rather than holding any grudge against them. My business isn’t damaged by what they have done, this is just one student from thousands.
Today I got an email from a student in Canada who is sitting by her husband’s bedside awaiting his release from pain and suffering. She is watching my videos on a course and working in her sketchbook. She told me that as well as finding the course absorbing she comes from the same part of London and finds my accent soothing. That is the pleasure, and that is what I will take from this week. Thanks for reading… onwards!
I have been overwhelmed and humbled by the love and support from you all. I cannot thank you enough but I have closed comments on this post….. ❤❤❤
For those of you on my, online courses I hope the following will provide guidance, if in doubt ask!
What can you share? Any of the following are fine
- photos of your work in progress
- images or a video of your final outcomes
- short reels of you working…. think ‘taster’
……but please remember to mention the course/tag me, it is good practice and polite!
What can’t you share?
- demonstrations of my methods or concepts presented as your own.
- recreations or how-to videos of the lessons
- the course content using your log-in with friends, or with an art group
- exhibit or sell work you make from a course that is highly derivative of my examples.
1 Whilst I hold the copyright to my course content that applies to my documentation, images and videos, not my methodologies and concepts. YouTube will only intervene if the actual videos are physically downloaded and copied. My concern here is one of etiquette and academic referencing; acknowledging sources as one would on a thesis.
2 Dweck, Carol S. 2008. Mindset. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.
3 NB My blog post mentions no names (other than Picasso and Golden) the gender of the person involved or the courses in question. My intention is not to name and shame but to highlight issues around acknowledging sources.
Wow….I’m so sorry to hear that you have had to deal with this difficult situation and I agree that it has more to do with that person’s issues….but it still hurts you. I have taken many workshops over the years, and have had some great teachers, but I have to say Sally that you are the most generous teacher I have ever had the pleasure of working with and I so appreciate you. Generous people are often taken advantage of, but in the greater scheme of things, I still think it is better to be you than the usurper.
Thank you so much! Yes I’d rather be the bonkers but authentic me too 🤣
I know exactly who you mean. I have been angry on your behalf.
Thank you! You are not alone….
I applaud you Sally for how you’ve handled this. You are clearly the wiser, more generous human in this matter.
Your integrity is intact and if you believe in Karma then “you’ll be alright”
I find difficulties / conflict are two fold for me… first the injury or wrongdoing and secondly how it is handled. You gave the person the space to manage the second part with humility, care and respect for you. They didn’t do that.
Despite that you have managed to turn this around and soothe it for yourself.
Well done.
Like I said. I applaud you.
Thank you so much Chris, it took a while to get there, to stop obsessing on it? But a dear friend recommended I wrote about it and it has helped enormously. I’m humbled by all these responses 😍
Thank you sally for being the star that you are. I follow your posts avidly. They are fun and educational and inspirational. Full of joy. I fancy that others that copy so deceitfully might find far less joy in their art. Take care. Thank you again.
Yes,authenticity is the key? Thank you so much Sally 😍
It’s hard to believe that this person has no compunction about stealing and regurgitating your content as their own. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. It’s hard enough doing what you do without having to put up with this. Also, they are probably doing it for commercial gain, I think Youtube pays content generators. So it is theft plain and simple. I’m afraid I could not be as kind as you are, and allow them to continue using your courses. They are probably stealing ideas from other people who comment and show their work on them too, and putting it out as their own. Who ever it is does not deserve your tolerance and kindness, they probably think it a weakness, and will continue to do it until they are stopped. But that’s just me. Onward and upward Sally, I took two of your courses and gained such a lot from them, I told my friends and they too have enjoyed them. Please know that you have brought joy and knowledge to countless people, and improved the quality of art being generated around the world. A big heartfelt thankyou!
Thank you Jan, believe me I had a list of things I wanted to do but decided to step back! It’s just one person..I’m confident the gods will intervene on my behalf. 🙏🙏🙏
Sally, you are a phenomenal teacher. I’ve taken two classes from you and can see how much of what you share comes from years and years of experience and so much work. It’s what makes your classes so helpful and special and well worth the money. I know you weren’t eliciting advice or opinions on this, but I just want to say that if I were you, I would remove her from your classes. Boundaries are important, crediting those we’ve learned from is important, and taking care of ourselves as teachers is important. (I’m a former teacher.) Enough said. You are awesome, and thank you for all you do.
Thank you so much Darby, I’m humbled by all these lovely comments. I have told them if it continues they give me no option. But the damage is done now. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I’m very sorry to read this as you obviously put a lot of effort and thought into sharing your skills and ideas. You already share so much for free. I think it’s noble of you not to name and shame this person but feel that they should at least be excluded from your courses. As you say, we all take something from each other, that’s human, but if people are presenting content as their own that is a different matter.
Thank you Caroline. If they continue I will, but the damage is done. I’m humbled by all these lovely comments.. 🙏🙏
Wow, that is incredibly bold of the person to so flagrantly speak to you as was done, and to share those videos. I admire your gracefulness in handling the situation which must not be easy. Yes. We each have issues in life, we all are influenced by what we have seen and heard and been taught but I think underneath it all we certainly know from whom we originally learnt particular techniques, and we should also hopefully know how to respect another human being.
Thanks so much. It has warmed my heart to read all of these lovely comments. 🙏
Ouch Sally. Reading that made me hurt for you. Your response to what happened has been generous and measured . As you say, we all share tips and grow together as artists , but not by stealing or misrepresentation by lack of citation of the original ideas.
I genuinely think they don’t understand? But reading these comments over my morning coffee is heartwarming. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Well done you. You educated me in your response to the YouTube situation. I think I would have been furious, and no where near as thoughtful and calm as you have shown yourself to be.
I recently removed myself from all social media because it was affecting me in not good ways. I much prefer reading blogs of artists, and not being involved in the hysteria that can happen online.
I’m happy to say that I am thinking better, I am calmer, and find abundant time to work on my own projects.
Oh I assure you fury and torment took the front seat for a while! When I finally retire from my online teaching I’m off, but for now it’s the best way to market courses. I don’t like FB but instagram is nice, just pictures, no nasty stuff. But I agree the time it eats is phenomenal! Thank you Gwen 😍
Wow…. that’s painful indeed, and says a lot about the ‘perpetrator’ …
so sorry you are having to cope with that!
Thank you. Reading these over my morning coffee is heartwarming and humbling.. 😍
Hi Sally, Thank you for writing this down and sending it out. I do hope that process has enabled you to let go of it and allow the many of us to fracture it throw it out into the universe.
Take it as flattery and, in fact you, have empowered and enabled that person to survive and flourish. You never know, maybe they can now earn a living and put food on the table. We are living through difficult times and what a gift you have given. I’m not saying that person is right but I have had to learn that I am hurt more by holding on to worries and it can make you very ill. Only you have the power to let go of all that, and I do hope you are able to do that. Enjoy all of the creative stimulus you give out to the world and how you have hugely contributed to people’s happiness and joy. What an accolade.
Thank you for all you give; the collagraph workshop I attended in Bungay really helped to get me going again with my art and expressing my creativity is the best joy ever.
Hi Pam, so lovely to hear from you and thank you.🥰
Sally, I have always considered you a wise woman of compassion, generosity, and integrity . . . my opinion has been confirmed by every interaction (even though only online). ❤️
Bless you Wendy. Reading these over my morning coffee has been a delight. I hadn’t courted this outpouring of support but its nice 🥰
Hi Sally, I think you are right to not take the person off your courses; and to concentrate on educating about etiquette. This attitude shows a high aspect of your maturity. Yes, Allison Aars is correct; they have to live with their own negativity and turmoil – I don’t want any of it. All the very best xxxxx
Exactly! Thank you.. 🙏🙏🙏
I’m so sorry that happened to you, Sally. I dealt with a similar situation, years before the internet, when an student who was in a live workshop began teaching my course as her own, including handouts. When I found out about it I called her on it as you did and left the matter up to her to decide to continue or desist. I have no idea what path she chose, nor do I really care. It’s on her. Of course the internet expands the scope of the theft so it’s a slightly different issue. It seems to me that you handled this absolutely correctly unless you choose to hire an attorney and go after her, but to what purpose? You don’t need to waste your time. She certainly misunderstood the “steal like an artist” comment.
Good on you for the way you’ve handled this.
Thank you, there was a deluge of similar stories from my colleagues at Golden. One even had her demo piece stolen, exhibited and awarded a prize! Some people either have no shame or simply don’t understand. But yes, enough time wasted, moving on. Thank you again 🥰
Thank you Sally; I have just ordered the book ‘Mindset’ from my local library in Australia. Looking forward to reading it and learning more.
Carol Dweck has some great youtube videos too. I first came across her when teaching youngsters. Our capacity to learn and grow is immeasurable but so many feel they can’t do something when it doesn’t work first time? Failure can seem like a brick wall, but often its just about time and effort… it’s not a ‘no’, just a ‘not yet’. 😊
Sally, so sorry to read this email. I can imagine the sleepless nights as I too am apt to dwell during the long dark nights.
Only yesterday I was talking to my 83 year old mother in law about copy cats. She was in her pottery studio in New York and this person came and sat opposite her and literally followed along with her. At the end she looked at this person and said “you should write Martha on the bottom of that!” She was telling me at that studio she used to take her pieces out of the kiln and wrap them up without showing them to anyone because she had glazes she had made that were unique and had taken years of research. She didn’t want to be put in the position of having to say no you can’t have my recipe. And while this person could copy her actions the firing would never be as good.
So, I say thank you because
you are so generous to share all your wonderful knowledge.I hope this doesn’t stop you from continuing to teach the rest of us willing to acknowledge who we were taught by! As you said one bad egg. I do hope your kindness and grace in not naming them may bring about a realization that what they are doing is wrong.
Take care and sending you a hug,
PS I love listening to you too – makes me homesick for England ( in a good way)
Hi Lesley, and thank you! Lovely story about your mum. I had a woman come to my open studios and asked if I would teach her. I said I only teach online now she said (no shouted) “that’s totally unacceptable, I want YOU to teach me HERE. I need to know how to make work as good as this” My reply? “I’m 64, you are a similar age, to be honest neither of us have another 40 years” She stormed out and those who were there applauded 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks again.. and hugs for you mum🙏🙏
Dear Sally, I am sorry this is happening to you and bring no solution to your problem.
I remember one of the first rules you made on your course : Be kind. I so admired that; and now here you are being kind. It is a great lesson from a dedicated teacher and it comes to mind often.
Your courses are such a gift to me personally. I feel as though I have gotten a university degree in the three years I have studied with you. I have grown as an artist and think about my work , and art in general, very differently.
Thank you for all the hard work, the talent, and the kindness. Bless the church bells, the rain on your studio roof, and even the noisy lorries outside. Its truly magical to hear them here in the woods of Connecticut.
I look forward to the next course.
Oh my Beatrice. Words (for once!) fail me. You have been there from the start, through thick and thin, and it’s been wonderful to know that, and to know you… 🙏🙏🙏🙏
People who wilfully and knowingly continue unethical and illegal behaviour deserve to be hit with all possible legal repercussions, or at least be scared straight by the potential of this happening. Ignorance is at best a poor defence, and this person has gone way past that line.
It’s particularly egregious when weaponized against someone who has been so generous with their time and information throughout the pandemic. I applaud your patience, empathy and restraint in dealing with this. I would not be so kind in similar circumstances.
Thanks Judy. Unfortunately the law isn’t on my side. But I hope I have made a small dent in the skull ? Just writing this has helped me come to terms with it… and I hope when folk come across such behaviour they will call them out on my behalf. Thanks again Judy 🙏🙏
You are a truly gracious and generous lady!
I feel your pain.
Thank you Julia 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Oh Sally, I am so sorry this happened to you. You are such a wonderful & generous teacher. I hope it all gets straightened out!
It’s as straight as it can be…Thank you Pat, reading these comments over my coffee has been heartwarming 🙏🙏
Bravo sal xxx
Thanks sis!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I am so sorry this has happened Sally. It is beyond intolerable when someone like yourself who gives so generously to all is taken advantage of by someone without scruples. I hope they are able to come to understand the hurt they have caused in using you and that they stop. You bring so much joy in to the lives of many, not to mention inspiration and know how. Thank you for all that you do and for your beautiful art work.
Thank you so much Brenda!. Reading all these comments over my morning coffee has been both humbling and heartwarming. 🥰🥰🥰
Oh Sally, that is so stressful! You are truly magnanimous. It seems to be a problem with many artists and artisans. Taking inspiration is one thing but downright copying is another.
We have had moments like this with Lucy, she is a natural dyer and quilt maker. Her work has been copied with bought in fabrics and then sold on Etsy etc for less than she can make them. She works hard and gets very anxious when this happens.
When things settle down a bit I will sign up for one of your courses. They look amazing and, deservedly, very popular.
Sending love to you both. X
Hi Sara!! Countless chums have fallen foul of theft. Its so hard to police. Harder to stomach when I’ve actually met this person and gone to lengths to advise them! But we need to just keep ploughing on Love to you both…. xx
Sally,you really are a bigger person and a beautiful soul. If I haven’t told you before, your courses during lockdown saved me at such a vulnerable time. My husband was fighting a lymphoma of the brain, I had a small stroke and of course the isolation of covid and doing your free courses was a way for me to feel normal for a little while. Since then I have done most of your courses, all have been worth every penny, and your generosity never ceases to amaze me. I am sorry someone has stolen your ideas but they could never steal your enthusiasm and love for what you teach and for us, your students. Thank you so much.
Oh my Sheila, for once I’m speechless. I had no idea you were going through all of that. No you are right, they can NEVER steal that, or my love and appreciation for all you guys. Without you I would just be talking to myself! Thank you again Sheila 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Dear Sally,
I am so disappointed and disgusted by what you have been going through. For all the wonderful, generous, honest people in the world, there are also the odd person who behaves as this person did.
Your course was wonderful, so well researched, with great content, but above all it was your generous, inspirational and warm personality that shone through.
Please rise above this horrible experience and continue to create, educate and light the creative spark in your many grateful students.
With warm wishes,
Maeve Ahern
Thanks Maeve… just one bad apple but caused a fermentation! It helped writing this and folk been so lovely. Thanks you so much 🙏🙏🙏
Dear Sally, I am so sorry to hear about this…..I wish your fans could do something about it for you, but we can only reiterate the joys & benefits your online presence has brought to us ! Thank you again for everything & keep on choogling as long as you can !
Thanks Sonia. Just knowing you guys are there is plenty🥰
Sally, What a horrible revelation. Unfortunately some have the mindset that if it is on the internet (even behind passworded and subscribed) that it is free to take. Honesty is not a consideration. So awful for you. Your courses are brilliant and so generous. I have been working through slowly as I have time and the ability to stop and start and go over and over is invaluable. Thank you for all your generous interaction with us students.
Thanks Noeleen… that’s lovely to read.🙏🙏🙏
Sally, you have such a gift – your teaching is second to none! I’ve done several of your courses and my practice has been so enriched. Despicable of this person to treat you in this way, causing angst and stress. You’ve just shown again how wonderfully generous you are by rising above this. 👏
Thank you so much Caroline. The hardest part was deciding how to deal with it, how much to let it get to me? But as Marcus Aurelius said “Today I escaped from anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions; not outside.” But I am humbled by all these comments! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I want to echo the many comments made previously on this blog post. In a world where millions of people applaud politicians who commit egregious crimes, it’s not hard to imagine an individual thinking that it’s okay to appropriate someone else’s hard work and methodologies and pass them off as his/her own. It’s not hard to imagine, but it’s still shocking to anyone raised with any sense of ethics. Your forbearance in the face of this behavior is amazing to me.
I also want to say that your courses during the pandemic felt like a lifeline and a tremendous gift. I was stuck at home, having just lost my studio space, watching the horrors of sickness and death in unimaginable numbers. Trying to distract myself, I stumbled upon your courses and devoted countless hours to watching them and trying to do what I could in my small space at home. I loved the serious way you approached your subjects and the meticulous research you did on many topics. I also thought you were an engaging teacher, with a good balance of humor, self-deprecation, and great overall knowledge. I’ve since taken two other courses with you, have enjoyed them immensely and found the content to be useful and sometimes provocative. So, please keep on doing what you’re doing within the limits of your own needs and know that many people appreciate your work and also disdain the person who stole your intellectual property. If there is karma in the world, there may even be retribution some day!
Oh my Diane… speechless, yes me! Your words are deeply touching and I am truly grateful for your friendship and support. I agree we live in strange times, and that I sound like my grandmother when I say “youngsters these days have no manners!” Believe me it took days to get to a place where I could shake it off. A dear friend suggested the blog and I’m so glad I took that route, its not only enabled a door to close, but the unexpected reaction has been both heartwarming and humbling. Onwards Diane! 😍🙏🙏
I am so sorry you are going through this, Sally. You are such a generous teacher and I hate seeing people take advantage of instructors like you. However, I know others who have had the same kind of treatment from some of their students. Some just don’t have much integrity.
Thanks Cheryl. Yes I’ve heard some stories this week that has made my blog boil! Luckily this is just one bad apple in a veritable orchard! 🥰
What can I add to all of this? I believe it comes down to envy on the person’s behalf and covetousness, they want what you have but are not prepared to put in the hard work. Keep on doing what you’re doing, with style, flair and humility, be content in knowing you are doing the right thing and you have all our support.
Bless you Maggie, I have been humbled by all these lovely comments 🥰
Sally, It’s so disheartening when people are either dishonest or unable to acknowledge unethical behaviour. I admire your forbearance. I’d be having mafia thoughts! You have the best online courses, hands down. As an ex teacher, it’s obvious how skilled you are at what you do, not to mention how generously you share your lifetime of knowledge, and I thank you for that. On a personal note, I found you during lockdown. I’d retired and was looking for a new hobby. You were a lifesaver. Since then, I’ve done four of your courses, one twice. I’m one of those lurkers…. still just a beginner, plodding along, never sharing what I do. But, I love your courses and am waiting for the next one.
Ah I’ve seen you sitting quietly at the back of the class ❤❤ Thank you so much, it means a lot to me…..
So sorry to hear the grubby way you have been treated. Your teaching and presentation are wonderful. So natural, so funny but always educational. No one can steal that from you.
Thank you Sue, it means a lot to me🥰
The comments of support on here show what you gift you are to us all. What you offer is unique and so clearly comes from many years of experience of teaching and your natural artistic talents. What this person has copied from you can never match you Sally, you are irreplaceable! I found you during lockdown and they helped me keep afloat during the low times. I have completed several of your courses since that time and all of them are of the highest standards with very personal feedback. I found some creativity that I previously had not been able to find or express, I will be forever grateful to you. No-one can dull your sparkle!
Thank you so much Kathy, that means a lot. Everyone has been so lovely! Be assured the sparkle shines as bright as ever, refuse to let this get to me…. 😊😊😊