Technique: Mounting work on paper onto a panel

Technique: Mounting work on paper onto a panel

I like to work on paper, particularly for small pices, they are less ‘precious’, and paper is easier to travel with than panels. Working on paper also gives you the option of cropping down, often revealing stronger compositions. In addition I don’t...

Sketching and printing with a dear friend.

Having completed a three day workshop with Lewis Noble, VP and I decided we needed a refresher to establish what we have achieved and maybe more importantly to find our own ways of using his methods. Norwich is very unlike Derbyshire but we ventured off to along...

Moving back into painting

I mentioned that I wanted to go back to painting but with the aim of maintaining the energy of the marks I’ve made with the brushes and prints. I also want to continue to explore the concept of places and journey. I started off reworking a couple of small panels...

El libro de La Herradura

After experimenting with a range of formats and ideas I decided to make a book. I’ve always been interested in books as art and was keen to ‘frame’ my fractures within the format of a book, a journey through.  Printing plates made using handmade...