My last blog post dealt with the types of paper I like to use for both monotype (gelplate printmaking) and collage. In this blog I am discussing transparency. Why? I like to use transparent and translucent papers in my collages to reveal the papers underneath.  This adds depth and history which creates a more interesting piece of art. I can build layers of patterns, colours, and designs that all allow what is underneath to show through. There are many ways to add transparent layers to your work, you can use a very lightweight paper like Abaca tissue that will go transparent when it is glued down. Alternatively you can make a number of papers transparent or translucent by using gel medium. When the process is complete, only the printed areas remain visible. Here are a few examples of where I have used transparent papers. It is particularly effective using stencils and photographic imagery, but it is also lovely for mark making.

But not all papers can be made transparent or translucent, it depends on their inherent level of absorbency. The papers strength is less important for this technique than its absorbency. The application of gloss medium makes weak papers strong as you are essentially plasticising it. Rice or Sumi paper varies in its absorbency, the most absorbent is called ‘raw’ as it has not been treated. If this is something you are interested in then I suggest you gather a range of papers and do a similar test.


In this video I test eight papers as follows. I have included USA suppliers but suppliers from other countries can be found on my page SUPPLIES and LINKS

  1. Copy paper
  2. Yasutomo HoSho paper available in UK HERE and USA HERE
  3. Jacksons Sumi paper UK HERE
  4. Artway Rice paper UK HERE  also available throughout EU on Amazon
  5. Toddy Coffee Filter bags USA HERE
  6. Teabag paper UK HERE very reasonable shipping costs
  7. Wet strength Tissue UK HERE
  8. Logan Deli paper UK HERE  USA HERE

In the video I show you a very thin 9gm abaca fiber tissue that will become transparent just by the process of gluing down with a wet glue (not pritt stick) Supplies of that can be found in my supplies page. You would need to print or make marks on your papers BEFORE making them transparent, I have used plain papers for the test. I used my gelplate at is releases the paper easily but you could hang your papers up to dry.



Since writing this I have even more papers in my studio!  Here I am testing VAKLY TABLE PAPER and SWEDISH TRACING PAPER

But what if you want opaque paper? It is easy to make any thin paper opaque, just coat the back with an opaque paint like titanium white, yellow ochre etc. All makes of paint have a guide on the tube to show how opaque or transparent they are. A transparent paint can be made more opaque by mixing it with an opaque paint…… but you cannot make an opaque paint transparent!

All of this and much, much more I teach and use on my online courses; Monotype; Materials & Methods , Cover to Cover part 2 and Collage Creations.

Hope that helps! Do feel free to ask any questions…