HI! I hope you are well and coping with the lockdown as best you can. I have created a small studio space in my apartment, its cosy but adequate. I have just read an interesting article by Aisha S. Ahmad about how we are all shifting our perceptions and trying to be over productive is ‘denial and delusional’.

I think I’ve been in ‘over productive’ mode for the last two weeks, and once things settle down I will be able to be in ‘creative mode’ which is a very different thing. Whilst creativity is of itself about production in this new world we find ourselves in it can be more about the journey and less about product and deadlines. A slower more reflective pace of life is around the corner, listening to our inner wisdom and creating simply for the sake and joy of creating.

But whilst I know that time is near my desire to connect, to share my knowledge and skills without a studio has meant a sharp learning curve. After many hours of frustration my venture into online teaching is about to start.

Initially I thought I would do it livestream but that’s not as easy as I thought, Facebook wouldn’t play ball for a 40 minute session, and YouTube blocked it as ‘inappropriate content’!

So for my sanity, and your enjoyment I am pre-recording each session and posting it on both YouTube and Facebook. I was brave enough today to do a livestream introduction though! The sessions will be available from this Friday….

This link will take you to my YouTube channel

This will take you to my Facebook page

Online Mentoring

I have also had a number of requests to online mentoring. A few years ago I trained with Eric Maisel as a Creativity Coach, but I was still teaching full time at the time and whilst his ideas and techniques have fed into my teaching I never felt the need to set up as a mentor. But times have changed and it seems an ideal opportunity to help those of you who, like all of us, need some help. Creativity Coaching however really only deals with getting into the studio and facing fears, I also want to help artists who want to learn and develop their skills and focus, to use that over used phrase ‘find their voice’ .

If you think this is something you need then there are more details on my website. Feel free to email me too…

Stay Safe and catch up again soon!
