Since finishing the filming I have been thinking a lot about what’s next… for me and for you.

Most of the video content will be re-organised to be self-study, skills based online courses that artists can do in their own time. But I also want to run scheduled intermediate ones for painters and printmakers who are happy with their medium but want to move forwards, specifically those of you who have worked through a section of my videos and feel comfortable with the media.

I have been doing a lot of research on what is out there and have learnt a lot in the process namely

a) most are open to a LOT of people with the level of interaction being a Q&A and/or yet another huge FB group!

b)few tutors are as qualified to teach, or as experienced as I am! 

So, I have narrowed it down…………..

I DON’T want a huge tribe/group where people feel they are a small fish in a big sea.

I DON’T want it to run for months as people feel they can’t keep up.

I DON’T want it to be a ‘splashing paint around is such fun’ course as whilst it is when its going well, it’s often not! Its more often very frustrating and difficult!

I DON’T want to teach to a formula or teach you to make art like mine, I want you to make work that is unique to you, regardless of your chosen genre or media.

I WANT to help you move forwards, find ways to problem solve, reflect and critique your own work, to be self-sufficient, to grow and fly…

I WANT to talk TO you not AT you, in the same way at uni we had lectures for all but seminars for small groups.

I WANT you to look at other artists, in order to learn, reflect and grow, to be informed.

I WANT to enable you to develop your skills, develop the HOW as well as the WHY as I firmly believe that our skills are the building blocks of our visual language and enable us to create with fluency.

Having written this I’m aware this is a long list…and could maybe be a series of shorter courses each dealing with different aspects, and I  have  probably missed out something vital so what I would like you to do is to make a cuppa, take some time, think about it and let me know what YOU need from me….. and what you don’t want! (please don’t name any other course providers!) You can either reply here or email me [email protected]

